M u s i c i a n | S o n g w r i t e r | C h o i r D i r e c t o r | S i n g i n g T e a c h e r
Heg Brignall

ABRSM Singing Exams
Heg works with students towards ABRSM singing exams, grades 1 - 8. She has successfully prepared many young singers for grade exams with a high proportion of her singers achieving merit and distinction results.
Heg is thorough in her preparation and will only enter a student for an exam when they are well prepared and ready. She works with each singer to make sure they are confident at all aural tests; well practised at sight singing; and can perform their songs confidently, enabling them to show the examiner their skills even when feeling nervous.
Get in touch with Heg to find out more or to book a singing lesson in Tavistock or online.
Other singing exams
She also coaches GCSE and A Level students preparing for performances and assessments including composition work as well as audition preparation and repertoire selection. Trinity, LCM and other exam boards also available.